Do you want to edit Argus?
About the job
The position involves approximately 10-15 hours work per month and includes collecting articles and photos, keeping in touch with club members and the broader climbing community to keep abreast of news, writing the odd article and putting it all together. Packing several hard copies of Argus and taking it to the Post Office, as well as emailing soft copy Argus are also included in the Editor’s jobs. Lots of flexibility with format and creative direction. The VCC is a great boss. You even get paid (a token amount). There are usually 11 issues of ARGUS published each year.
About you
The most important skill required for the position is being good at getting things done on time. Second most important is being a good communicator. You won’t get regular content from people without maintaining good working relationships with them. Third, you need to be psyched. The monthly production schedule can be a relentless grind at busy times in your life, so you will occasionally need to rely on your enthusiasm to get you through. Lastly, you need to be able to commit to a reasonably long period of time (minimum a year, but preferably longer), this is not for you if you have a lengthy OS holiday planned any time soon. Technical skills can be learned. Some computer literacy required, familiarity with desktop publishing software an advantage but not necessary. You will need access to some kind of computer with email access.
If you are interested or would like to know more, please contact to express interest.

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