The Trip leaders Rewards Raffle was drawn at the VCC’s Annual General Meeting in September and the winners of each prize are listed below. Congratulations to all of the trip leaders who were winners! Many thanks to our numerous retail and gym Supporters for offering these very generous prizes. It is hoped that VCC members will continue to support these Gyms, Businesses and Retailers.
The VCC Committee also hopes that this Trip Leader Rewards Raffle will encourage more VCC members to become trip leaders. To qualify for the raffle at next year’s AGM, you only need to be a Trip Leader on one Club Trip before next year’s AGM in September. This can even be a day trip close to Melbourne. The more trips that trip leaders run, the more tickets they get for next year’s raffle. If you are interested in becoming a Trip Leader, please contact Michael O’Reilly, the VCC Trip Co-ordinator. New Trip Leaders are supported and mentored by more our more experienced Trip Leaders. We also have a detailed Trip Leaders Manual that provides all trip leaders with very detailed information about running VCC Club trips.

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