End of the Month @ Araps/Djurite – April
Mount Arapiles • 24 Apr 2021 — 25 Apr 2021
Welcome back to our EOM@Araps/Djurite trips after our extended COVID break.
A few important changes have been made to enable us to safely resume club trips. So please read the VCC COVID-19 Safety Plan and VCC Advice to Participants on Club Trips, Courses and Activities before signing up for this trip. The advice and guidelines have been published on our website:
VCC COVID-19 Safety Plan and resuming club activities – Victorian Climbing Club (vicclimb.org.au)
Mt Arapiles in autumn? Arapiles in late April provides the very best of Arapiles climbing. Enjoy the cooler temperatures and improved friction. If it’s still a bit warm, then the shady gullies or the routes on the right side of Central Gully are there to be enjoyed. Get up (reasonably) early and enjoy the early sun’s rays on the nearby classics and well-worn trade routes in the Organ Pipes. Maybe explore some new areas. The famous walls and prominent buttresses of Arapiles really come into their own at this time of the year.
We will be camping in The Pines, close to the action. There is no better rock to fondle than the hard quartzite of Arapiles, so contact your Trip Leader, Yushu Soon, to register your interest.
These EOM@Araps/Djurite trips are intended for all levels of climbers, however Beginner spaces will be limited by the number of experienced leaders who come along. It is recommended that Beginners contact the Trip Leader as soon as possible.
All intending participants MUST contact the trip leader prior to the trip. Please send through some details about your experience, skills and climbing gear and hopefully we’ll see you there.
Photos: Yushu Soon on Wicked Solitaire, Mt Buffalo and the Organ Pipes at sunrise.
Not sure if you’re novice, intermediate or advanced? Find your level or contact the trip leader.
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