VCC Self-Rescue Course – 3 spots available
Mt Arapiles • 25 Jun 2016 — 26 Jun 2016

There are 3 places available on this weekend’s course for any VCC members who are interested.
Climb long enough and at one point or another getting stuck in a jam high up off the ground is inevitable: stuck ropes, a crucial piece of gear missing in action, wandering off-route into dicey terrain, or an injury that leaves a climber in need of help. This course is designed to help you deal with these types of situations. This is a very intensive ‘hands-on’ course with a ratio of one instructor per 3 participants.

Prerequisites – all participants must be:
- VCC members
- Lead climbers or competent seconds
- Able to demonstrate competency in tying figure-of-eight bight and bend, water knot, double fisherman’s and clove hitch.
Checking out the view on a VCC Self Rescue Course.
The course runs over 2 days and the following techniques will be covered (if time allows):
- Basics
- Emergency Procedures
- Rescue Knots such as Munter Hitch, Mule Hitch, Prusik Hitch, Autoblock, Klemheist, Bachmann, Garda and Mariner’s Hitches
- Escaping the (belay) system
- Belaying off the body and belaying off the anchor
- Raising the second
- Simple assisted hoist
- Descending & ascending (abseiling & prusiking) past knots
- Raising the injured
- Second pulley systems
- Makeshift chest harness
- Assisted abseil
- Ascending to a hurt leader (anchoring, prusik, solo, rope solo).
Please contact the Trip Organiser, Michael, to register your interest. Places are very limited.
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